In This Article We Are Going To learn About Different type of car wash services

- Automatic
- Self-service
- Touchless
- Handwashing
- Steam Car Wash
- Waterless Car Wash
- Mobile Car Wash/online car wash
Automatic car wash centers
They are easy to find and most used car wash centers. If you live in USA/UK you will find it very easily but if you are in the south Asian region then you might have problem finding an automatic car wash center near you.
Automatic car wash centers are most affordable and fastest way to clean your car.
there are few disadvantages you need to keep in mind when you are deciding to use an automatic car wash center. they will eventually scratch your car and might chip your paint.
Estimated cost – Around 10-15$
Self-service car washes
In self serve car wash they will give you the tools required such as a brush, Vacuum, High-pressure lances and Foams.
You might think that what’s better then washing your own car. Its like giving your child a bath.
But the thing is it can be pretty expensive comparing to other car wash services and the harsh reality is not everybody is an expert so when a person with experience will clean your car it will look way better. And self service car wash centers are hard to find.
Estimated cost – Around 15-20$( 1 $ per minute )
Touchless car wash centers
Touchless or touch free car wash center doesn’t mean that a human touch will not occur in your car wash but it means a brush will not touch your car.
Thus many people tend to think that touchless car wash services are the best because they will not use a brush so there is no risk of getting a scratch in your car.
Well of course there is less chances of scratching a car in touchless car wash service but you need to understand that touchless wash services use heavy water pressure and very aggressive usage of soups and degreasers which is not good for your cars paint materials. They might dry out your cars plastics. And for the heavy pressure it causes to take away the wax of your car.
Estimated cost – $20-$30 for a basic wash
Handwashing car wash service
Handwashing is where a professional will wash your car manually.
This operated car wash would yield better results than an automatic car wash in terms of the overall outcome of the car.
Its not hard to find and price is not quite affordable.
Estimated cost – $50 to $75
Auto-detailing car wash shop
If money is not an issue for you and you want the best of the best results and autodetailing shops are for you.They deep clean cars and make your cars look like new cars again.
The only disadvantage is you might need an appointment .
Estimated cost – detailing services can range from $100 to several hundred dollars
Steam Car Wash Centers
These services uses steam to clean your cars.
this method is effective at removing dirt and sanitizing surfaces. It’s environmentally friendly and can be used for both the interior and exterior.
Estimated cost – 6-12$
Waterless Car Wash centers
As the name clearly indicates it docent use ay water or high pressure water to clean your car.
Usually waterless car services uses chemicals to clean your car
The con for waterless car wash service is that they might damage your paint for using high lubricity chemicals.
Estimated cost – 13-20$
Mobile Car Wash/online car wash centers
These type of servies are usually online based where you order a car wash through an app or page and they will come and clean your car for you.
These services are very hyped at the time and people are tend to use it more and more as its not that expensive and you get the service from your own comfort.
Estimated cost – depends on the service you choose.